Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kates Playground Do Hardcore?

: c ' is official!

Autodesk officially announces on its U.S. site the upcoming availability of AutoCAD ® 2011 on Mac OS ®

Apple ® Mac ® Pro 4.1 or higher; MacBook ® Pro 5 1 or more; (MacBook Pro 6.1 or higher recommended); iMac ® 8.1 or higher (iMac 11.1 or higher recommended) ; Mac ® mini 3.1 or read (Mac mini 4.1 or higher recommended); MacBook Air ® 2.1 or higher; MacBook ® 5.1 or later (7.1 or higher recommended MacBook)

Mac OS ® X v10.6.4 or higher, Mac OS X v10.5.8 or higher Processor
64-bit Intel ®
2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended)
1 GB of disk space Free Installation
All graphics cards on the supported harware
display 1,024 x 768 in true color (1,600 x 1,200 true color recommended)
Keyboard U.S., UK, France or Apple ®
Mouse, Apple Mouse Magic, Magic trackpad, trackpad MacBook Pro ®, Microsoft ® compatible mouse or

printer compatible with Mac OS X

AutoCAD for Mac Brochure (pdf - 598Kb) English

Ten Reasons to Choose AutoCAD for Mac (English)

The video presentation



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