Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Los Hombres De Paco Online Stream


The blog is recovering from his bad cold ... A quick post
easy, I put 2 videos of a report on SAS, the box that I've been working almost 3 years (a record!).

SAS - The Best Company in the World - Part 1

SAS - The Best Company in the World - Part 2

The truth is that it's not like that in Australia, although it has advantages superior to the average. It can can be worth it to go spend his old Cary days ... the problem ... is that it is the U.S. ... and I see myself not living in the U.S. ... Who knows ... Seems that there are idiots that do not change your mind!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Get Record Of Immunization From Ontario

Tchernobylus Bonsai

Ahhh, but what happens??!

See full story on the blog Poisson Ai-Vy !

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mondeo Ambient External Temp Sensor

Rising prices

gasoline, food ... they say everywhere: everything increases. And you? Do you feel? How do you cope? Hause the price, this is the subject of the editorial 'Month.
Okay, I confess, I do not care particularly to talk about the price increase ... so I'll talk about something that has certainly price effect: the credit crunch and its effect on the Australian economy. Credit crunch ... you've probably heard this word many times, but you know how the crisis is?

"Credit crunch for dummies ...
[translated from the article by Cameron England July 30, 2008,]

Australian average, there are about a year, had probably never heard of "sub- prime, credit crunch or U.S. firms answering the picturesque name of "Fannie Mae" and "Freddie Mac". Twelve months after

, they have become part of the discourse of commentators trying to predict if the economic gloom that swept the United States and continues to cause damage here and there, resulting in problems in Australia.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the names of the two largest mortgage companies in the U.S., guaranteeing themselves a more than U.S. $ 5.3 billiards (1 billiard = 1000 billion ... in English, 1 trillion), or 40% of loans .

The U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank this month announced it would lend the money the two, ensuring that they do not run - a scenario that could trigger a total collapse of financial system American. That's
Fed may need to intervene is a sign that the crisis "subprime" which started on the U.S. in the middle of last year, is indeed still with us.

When the crisis began, many experts have predicted that Australia does not strongly Souffir a U.S. slowdown given that our economy is "decoupled" from that of the U.S., for the economies of emerging countries Asians.

asssure In spite of this, the Australian stock market has fallen below the American stock market over the past year.

Last week, the NAB (National Australian Bank, Australia's second largest bank) has admitted it would make an allowance of more than AUS $ 830 million to cover the "bad debt" in connection with the U.S. credit market, amount to adding to AUS $ 181 million already set aside. The ANZ (Australian and New Zealand bank, the 4th largest bank in Australia, the last of the four financial pillars Australians ) has warned it would set aside $ AUS 1.2 billion to cover its exposure to real estate and investment firms brokers, among others.

crisis "subprime" has emerged over the last year and quickly triggered what is now called the "credit crunch" overall.

"sub-prime" refers to these loans available in the U.S. which require little or no initial capital, which were attributed to people with bad credit history and in some cases, no work.

Some of these loans had low initial interest rates that allowed people to take them, thinking they could refinance later before the real interest rate is established.

There was also the belief among borrowers they could rely on the value of their property while home prices increased. House prices in the United States has dropped in 2006-2007, making refinancing more difficult.

delinquencies and foreclosures began to increase considerably and credit agencies have begun to hit the wall.

And what relationship with Australia?

The problem lies partly in the manner in which the risk of lending money to these "high-risk borrowers" was managed.

As is often the case, rather than assuming all the risks themselves, banks and credit brokers will "assemble" many credits together, then "secure". This simply means they create shares in the overall package, which can be sold to other investors on the basis of a fixed return on investment.

These types of investments are generally relatively "safe" and are Market as such. As more and more people can not pay their credit - Seizures increased from 79% to reach 1.3 million in 2007 - investors worldwide, including some firms Australia, have begun to feel their pain. Others went bankrupt.

The venerable U.S. investment bank Bear Stearns was bought by its competitor JP Morgan Chase for U.S. $ 10 per share compared to its value of U.S. $ 160 the previous year.

heads of Merrill Lynch and Citigroup in the U.S. have resigned in response to the massive "writedowns" related to subprime. The problems have had a domino effect throughout the financial community. This resulted in a significant loss of confidence in the assurance that so-called investment "little risk" can be as "safe" than they seem. Firms that previously were willing to lend money have begun to reduce their loans or increase their interest rates. The companies that

been exposed to the credit market, such as credit card companies or real estate investment firms with high levels of credit, suddenly found themselves unable to refinance their debts.

Centro Properties Group (ASX: CNP), the second largest Australian owner of shopping centers, saw its share plunge after it announces the end of last year he had trouble refinancing $ 3.9 AUS billion debt.

Another side effect of the rising cost of credit was the fact that Australian banks have increased their interest rates on home loans faster than the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia), provoking the wrath of consumers.

In September, Britain saw its first banking debacle since 1866, says The Economist, when the 5th largest credit agency, Northern Rock, said to have problems raising funds.

The International Monetary Fund estimated this week that the potential loss resulting from the crisis could reach U.S. $ 945 billion. The American government was quick to cut interest rates during the previous year to try to stem the fall. U.S. rates have been reduced from 5.75% to 2.25% between September and March.

Bad news keeps coming, with the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: A sign that the worst is yet to come.

The crisis has pushed the U.S. to the brink of recession, while home sales and construction plunge, consumers stop consuming and banks lay off en masse - 34 000 in nine months until March, according to Bloomberg . U.S. President George W. Bush announced a package of U.S. $ 168 billion in February, was supposed to help restart the economy. Prices from crude oil and food to the above, however, were anticipated as erasing any potential gain.

Glenn Stevens, Governor of our own central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, said recently that the fear of a total collapse of the U.S. financial system had somewhat attenuated during recent months.

The risk of a crisis in style "sub-Prins" in Australia, at least from similar causes, is low.

The RBA said that the closest equivalent of the funds' sub-prime credits in Australia are "non-conforming", which has participated for about 1% of all loans outstanding, compared with 15% share of U.S. sub-prime.

Mr Stevens think the danger to the Australian economy lies in the area of inflation - ironically the symptoms of an evolving economy too quickly, rather than too slowly.

This article is dated July 30. Now we are on September 15. What happened since? Here are
major events:
  • The U.S. dollar is back (too quickly in the opinion of some) ... and of course that says strong U.S. dollar, "said FSU weak dollar. The Australian dollar closed at US80.77c yesterday, its lowest level for 1 year while there is still one month it was at US98c, some were betting on parity.
  • the price of oil, gold plunged and key resources. The oil loses almost 35% in 1 month confirming that his climb was artificially directed by speculators. However, the decline in oil prices and commodity fears of a slowing world economy.
  • the U.S. government takes control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a doubling once its national debt, never seen! The financial markets reacted strongly to the announcement with a rally of 5% which was only of short duration, plunging in griffres bear the day after.
  • The RBA reduced the cash interest rate for the first time since December 2001 that the economy had slowed enough (and this despite the spread of record profits during the month of August, including online auction companies and mining ). Many are betting on further declines to come in 2-3 months.
  • The last American victim is the prestigious broker Lehman Brothers is about to declare itself bankrupt. Merrill Lynch is about to be bought by Bank of America. Other victims are expected in the near future.
  • In Australia, Babcock & Brown, Allco Finance Group and Challenger Financial Services investment banks are most affected, each of them having seen their share value drop considerably.

Strangely, the effect of the global crisis did not really feel in everyday life in Australia. It is so inconspicuous, you wonder if it's true. In the street, people are like, stores are always full, it is always easier to find work, piling contracts and wages are rising.
The cost of living seems to be more or less the same, except for gasoline has risen sharply. The price of fruit and vegetables in Australia has always strongly fluctuates, the country being self sufficient from that point of view, prices vary depending on the crop quality and climatic conditions. Last month, some fruits and vegetables were particularly cheap since a mild winter in Queensland has resulted in an over-production.

However if we take a look at inflation (since it is AC that speaks, inflation is the measure of the hause prices), the OECD believes that will be mastered more quickly than predicted RBA: Inflation in Australia is expected to average 4.1% this year and 3.1% next year, until returning to the target band of 2-3% of banks by the end of next year. At the same time, talk of inflation means nothing if we do not look rising wages and growth. Total revenue (including grants) has increased by 8.7% during the past year and this year Australian growth should be around 2.9%.

Only when connecting to its management platform STOCK we realize the reality of the crisis: most banks and investment firms are close to historical lows. Even the mining companies slowed down and the "super cycle" of commodities seems to have calm, at least temporarily.
short, the economic news has never been as exciting (and scary)!

[Each month, the same day, at the same time, the editorial 'bloggers write a post about a common topic. This month Laurent, Olivier , Noelia , Bergere, Bertrand , JVH , Hibiscus , Anne, Julien , Looange , V west , Jo Ann v , William , Catie , Nanou, Julie70 , Gazou , BlogBalso , Lydia , Lucile , Optensia , Joel , Linda, Julie , Ckankonvaou , Lodi, Mahie , Brigetoun , Renee , Mouton, Agnes , Laetitia , MissBrownie , Karmichette , Rikard , Dung, Peony Merlin, Sandrine , Adelaide are working on "The rise in prices." 'll Also read their views, and feel free to leave your comments!]

Commercial Song Skiing

Paris I love you

Yesterday I bought the movie "Paris I love you" like that, without conviction and without knowing what to expect.
I really was pleasantly surprised. In fact, this film is a succession of little short films with the theme central city of Paris, all made by great directors, all very different from each other but all filled with poetry.

To my surprise most of the short films are on Youtube. I will let you discover my 3 favorites. I suggest you really look at them, they are superb!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pharmacist Stole Adderall

Kangaroo punched

is what makes the headlines at the moment. This video taken in Western Australia's lunch or a kangaroo knocks using his kickboxing.

The RSPCA (the equivalent of the PPS) takes the matter very seriously and the culprits are being sought.

Mr McLeod of the RSPCA said: "It's disorienting. It is very unusual for a kangaroo to fight ... and most of the time they fled. We can imagine it was first encountered by car and injured. Certainly it was a stunning way or another. [...] Only a coward would attack an injured and terrified young animal, and much smaller than itself. We want these cowards are apprehended and judges. "

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tfal Pans Always Stick

Children of the Atom: [part 1]

Nuclear power, a necessity

[Translated from the article by John Ritch, . org / ]
Today, one after the other, in more and more important, the governments of the world embrace nuclear energy as a fundamental element of their strategy for energy independence and environmental friendly global responsibility.
doing so, they respond to an imperative that is gaining ground on all continents.

[...] Today we face a conflict even more frightening in its dangers and its extent, a challenge unlike any that humanity has faced through the ages. And that, in the strictest sense, an existential conflict - between the behavior of humanity and the planetary environment, the same one that has allowed civilization to evolve .[...]

Between now and 2050, while the population will increase from 6.6 billion to 9 billion, humanity will consume more than the total combined ernergie uses throughout its history. [...] Even worse, the increasing concentration of greenhouse gas emissions will pass the point of no return as we head towards a climate catastrophe. [...]

Today, the world economy produced of greenhouse gas emissions has a speed of 29 billion tonnes per year - some 900 tonnes per second - a rate consistent growth despite the rhetoric and negotiation. The lean and yet demonizes the Kyoto Protocol, even if it was implemented, would a mere scratch in the gigantic task that we face. [...] We must, by the middle of the century, cut emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by 60% - despite the fact that consumption ernergetique world will more than triple. [...]

the energy dimension of poverty is fundamental. Poverty is so close correlation to the lack of electricity that access to electricity is the best measure of the level of a person's life. In today's world, about 6.6 billion inhabitants, 2 billion have no electricity and 20 billion more have only one limited access. [...]

The International Energy Agency (government) and the World Energy Council (private sector) both consider that nuclear power must play a central role in a revolution "energy-esteem." This view articulated in a similar way by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [...]

Indeed, looking at the matter fairly and "not passionate," nuclear energy is indeed nothing less than the quintessential energy resources for sustainable development. His
  • fuel is available immediately and for several centuries
  • Her presence confers energy autonomy
  • Its safety record is superior among the major sources energetic
  • Its consumption causes virtually no pollution or greenhouse gas emissions
  • preserve its use other fossil fuels for generations fututres
  • Its capacity is scalable from the smallest to the largest of reactors
  • Its costs are competitive and declining
  • Its wastes can be isolated in the long term
  • Its operations are manageable in the developed countries and those in Developing
Certainly, renewable energies such as solar, wind, tides and geothermal must have a role. [...] But none of these tools can not alter the central fact that nuclear power offers the only ENERGY locomotive could "energize" a thriving economy without having a destructive impact on the environment. Recognition of this fact, and actions based on this fact, are now reflected as a global nuclear renaissance takes speed and momentum. [...]

In dozens of countries [...] of North America, Europe, Russia and even South East Asian countries, led by China and India, the value of nuclear energy was discussed and reaffirmed.

Countries without major nuclear energy, such as Vietnam, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Kazakhstan and the Gulf emirates, are about to introduce the atomic energy for the first time. Italy, which is the only country to have closed a small number of nuclear plants, is now the largest importer of electricity in the world, without any doubt will reverse movement in the decade ahead.

Even on land with little or no nuclear power, the political context for nuclear energy has changed. The South African government has not only embraces energy nuclear, but also now seeking to have an international role in technological innovation of reactors. And Australia, with its reserves of uranium but leading an anti nuclear long, politicians have begun a serious national debate that will culminate in potentially making the nation not only a user of nuclear energy but also a major player in the cycle nuclear fuel.

This article is really good ... but very long, I do have translated into a tiny bit. In short, whether you are for or against, after several decades in the wilderness, the nuclear renaissance is the ... whether you like it or not! Indeed it is the only answer short to medium term to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (those who believe in renewable energies are in my opinion sweet utopian, at least in the current state of technology ... and utopianism is the enemy of realism, what we need to settle urgent matters now).

And imagine you ... for once, France is at the forefront ... is the world leader in this field. Not an article extolling the merits of nuclear non praise the foresight of the french, with 80% of their energy produced by nuclear power, allowing the country an incredible energy independence. Areva, the national treasure is at the forefront in terms of technology (pressurized reactors), but also uranium production through the acquisition of several minors (in Africa notemment). The contracts signed by Sarkozy in 2007 China positions the country in the starting blocks for the nuclear race.

What about Australia? Australia is party to become the "Emirates" of uranium in a world powered by nuclear energy. With 40% of known reserves of uranium (and still is a very conservative figure given that the exploration is even prohibited in some states), but only just 2nd largest producer behind Canada ... In fact, Australia produces 22% of the world's uranium, and this with just three mines, concentrated in the region of South Australia, the only state or uranium mining is permitted. But this is (maybe) about to change, with early elections that took place in Western Australia last weekend. Add to this the fact that Cameco, the world's largest producer eventually do with the travails of its Cigar Lake mine ... on Monday, banning the supply of nuclear fuel to India has been exercised (even though Australia still refuses to participate ...) ... several hundreds of new nuclear reactors are under construction or under consideration ... The least we can say is that the bulls are starting to resonate for uranium (yes, the bubble has already swollen to the same period last year and indeed since exploding ...)!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kidde Fyrnetics Fire Alarm Keeps Beeping

River on fire

Saturday it was the Riverfire, a fireworks display over the Brisbane River. Ask me what occasion has ... no special occasion ... it is the weekend of the River Festival ... a small event sponsored by insurance and the pretext for a big fireworks!

There are a lot of people. It starts at 5:00 with a small air show over Southbank and the Botanic Garden.

is also an opportunity to walk a little town on weekends. On George Steet, main street along the river houses are colonial style / Victorian (finally I'm not an expert).

You go through the botanical gardens before find a place to return to Waterfront.

7:00, it's time for fireworks. It's been boom wiiiz, pop ... oh the deep blue sea, the great green, the big red! It makes images that look like colorful paintings.

The river on fire ... there has not say Riverfire, AC aptly named.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Descente Ski Jackets Vancouver

182 days and half

's it, baby Ai-Vy is 6 months old! Sniff ... more than 12 years before the college years, 18 before the higher studies ... and fortunately, no boyfriend before thirty years ... Dad on the alert!

Look, I found this old photo of the great grandmother, the resemblance is striking!

Otherwise baby is growing well. After the 2 little bottom teeth ... soon ... those at the top!

As she's nice, she loves the pumpkin puree made with love by Mom (that's the only one)!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How To Highlight Hair Tricomi

Coo-tha hell out of it

"... Prom'nons us to Mount Coo-tha, as cuckoo merde / Someone is not ... "
Last Wednesday, it was a holiday and we went to the botanical garden Mount Coo-Tha .

What to say except that people love the botanical gardens! And surprise, Mount Coo-tha is really superb!
Good going, I did visit, just follow the red sweater (and the chaperone pink)!

"Master Crow perched on a faucet, holding in his beak anything"
Okay I admit, this little ballad is the Used to train myself to take a few pictures. Is that it's nice when the photograph are interested in it! And I

fiddling the ISO, a small aperture left suddenly, a little bit of shutter speed right and what's that big red button? And presto, voila a nice picture (well, it works half the time)!

Well, yes, I am fortunate to have a good camera. But mostly, I have super models!

Ah Stephanie looks sweet and nice on the photos ... do not repeat no, but she spent the after noon was bitching because I stopped every 5 seconds to take a picture!

How romantic this small lake. Who can resist the temptation to take pictures on the little wooden bridge?
And ducks quack quack is ca ... quack quack and quack quack.

Ok ok, you'll notice, I embroider to death, but it's late and I want to go to bed, but not before finishing this post that took me for ages to assemble!

The botanical garden is clearly one of the most beautiful I've ever seen: better than Brisbane, better than Sydney!
Y has several different themed areas.

Here, all while you learn all about our friends the ferns (it seems they are very intelligent ...)!

And while everything you know everything about every Japanese (well, at least in their garden ...) Oh duh, I knew that there were iguanas in Japanese gardens!

He he, I am not alone, there's a whole gaggle of aspiring photographers who walk in the park!

And voila, The End! Another great day, we will return!

Mount Coo-Tha is stronger than you!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Homemade Rat Playgrounds

My best summer

"My best summer," So here is the subject of my first participation in the "Redac 'Month". Easy subject you tell me? Not as ca ... in fact, I find the choice very difficult ... Here I am really annoying ... In fact, it's super hard to tell one summer in particular, especially if the memories date back further in time.

Over time, all the memories intertwine to give a very special shade has "Summer", with a large "E" was the perfect as we remembered ...

When I think of are, I often think of my childhood. So I do not know why, but what comes first to mind, it is summer in the primary school where I spent my days lazing on the banks of the Garonne with Patrick and my neighbor or the ultimate pleasure was to Mister Freeze by sucking a time heatwave! Mister Freeze, pleasure in its purest form (well, besides it makes me want to go get one, I'm still in the fridge)!

While we are talking about stuff is a refreshing, that would also be a summer without watermelon! The watermelon, the other ultimate pleasure (thin, it makes me want to eat, but it's the season too ... yes I remember that it's winter here)! Sewing up, it reminds me too raspberries! There were plenty in the garden. What a joy to come home from school and go to a surfeit of raspberry! Well then, raspberries, I love them very special way ... half has not ripe, still a little green!

The AC was especially rhyme with "beach"! Ah ... the beach ...! The hours spent in the car waiting to perceive that magical little blue stripe on the horizon, promising such good times! The beach, the sand castles, its soft drinks stacked in the ice, sandwiches under the umbrella and sunburn!

After all, it can be a bit of those moments has never lost trying to find that each was once grown up?

Anyway, if you're interested, here is my most beautiful Australian summer: [ see posts "Holidays!" ]

[ Each month, the same day, at the same time, the editorial 'bloggers write a post about a common topic. This month Lawrence, Noelia , Bergere, Bertrand , JVH , Hibiscus , Anne , Julien, Chantal , Looange , V west , Jo Ann v , William , Catie , Nanou, Cecfrombelgium , Julie70 , Gazou , BlogBalso , Vladyka , Lydia , Optensia , Joel , Linda, Julie , The cat , Ckankonvaou , Lodi, Mahie , Mariuccia , Brigetoun , Renee , Mouton, Agnes , Laetitia , MissBrownie , Karmichette , Rikard , Dung , Peony Merlin, Moon and Rain Adelaide are working on "My best summer." 'll Also read their views, and feel free to leave your comments! ]