Technical Review On AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit.
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If you get the following message when running an Autodesk Product:
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Exception Has e0434f4dh 7c812a
This means that you to do:
-An unhandled exception when using products based on AutoCAD 2010 or 2011-
This error is caused by Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5. Service Pack 1 is not installed properly and / or is not updated.
-In short, your software uses a Windows library (. NET Framework) that is no longer the same version that was delivered with him and installed, and the causes can be diverse, new software installed, Windows Update ...
. Before installing the utilities and the following updates, make sure you download the files corresponding your platform and operating system for your architecture: Windows XP, Vista, Seven, 32 or 64-bit
. Once installation is complete, you may need to restart your computer.
Here are 2 tracks resolution:
-Download the update NDP35SP1 day-KB958484-x86.exe for NET framework 3.5 sp1: -4EC9-9C54-6450B0212565 & SrcDisplayLang = en & u = http% 3a% 2f% 2fc% 2fdownload 2F6%%% 2fA 2fC6ADC586-2518-404B-8973-E1E22C556AF4% 2fNDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe and run.
-Test whether Autodesk software is working correctly, if not, proceed to point 2
-Download and run the cleaning utility net.framework Cleanup_tool_Net.framework.exe:
. NET Framework Cleanup Tool is a cleanup utility to use as a last resort to problems installing or uninstalling bookstores. NET Framework. There are only select versions of libraries and tools to delete the rest.
-Uninstall all versions
-Download NET framework 3.5 sp1 version according to Microsoft 2010 (env.231MO)
. NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package)
-Download the update-KB958484-x86.exe NDP35SP1 for NET framework 3.5 sp1
-If necessary, restart the machine and restart the Autodesk software, eg AutoCAD.
"If he is not working properly, run a repair on AutoCAD (before opening): Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs> Change> Repair, sources of equipment (DVD ) you will be requested.
-After repair, AutoCAD should function properly.
-If you also use AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Architectural ... Inventor, from pack or not they test still will (theoretically they also use version 3.5) if they operate not, "Repair" after the above procedure .
-Finally, for information, know today. NET Framework, Windows is at version 4, so these errors can beings repeated ...
Here! Good luck!